mayson group
mayson group


 Our Health and Safety Policy:


It is our intent to demonstrate an ongoing and determined commitment to improving health and safety at work throughout our organisation.

We will ensure the health and safety at work of all our staff and any other people who may be affected by our work activities. We will comply with the requirements of health and safety legislation.

We will promote best practice and aim to exceed the guidance of the Health and Safety Executive and other regulatory bodies.

This policy reflects our commitment to ensuring that health and safety at work is paramount to the business and that effective health and safety actively contributes to our success.


 1. AWARENESS: “All our staff have an awareness and understanding of health and safety hazards and risks that affect our business.”

1.1 Health and Safety Policy statement. Adequate resources will be provided to ensure all our staff, and sub-contractors are aware of this policy and committed to its effective implementation.

1.2 Communication and consultation. There will be active open communication and consultation between all our staff and sub-contractors. Health and safety will be integrated into our communications, wherever appropriate.

1.3 Management roles and responsibilities. Roles and responsibilities for health and safety will be defined, as necessary, within job descriptions or profiles. Senior management will ensure that:

  • adequate resources are provided for health and safety;
  • health and safety is adequately assessed, controlled and monitored;
  • our people are actively involved on matters that affect health and safety.

1.4 Hazard identification. We will identify our workplace health and safety hazards. We will inform our staff and sub-contractors, as appropriate, of these workplace hazards.

We will require our sub-contractors to identify health and safety hazards that may impact on our work activities.


2. COMPETENCE: “All our staff have the competence to undertake their work with minimum risks to health and safety.”

2.1 Health and safety training. All our staff will be adequately instructed and trained on the health and safety issues that affect them, and the safe working practices that should be followed.

We will ensure the health and safety competence of our sub-contractors.

2.2 Behaviour and culture. Senior management will demonstrate leadership in health and safety. Senior management will undertake tours to ensure that health and safety issues are identified, assessed and managed. Systems will be in place and staff will be empowered to raise health and safety concerns with management.

2.3 Risk assessment and management. We will assess the risks associated with health and safety hazards in the workplace. All our staff will be informed of the health and safety hazards and risks that affect their work. We will take action to prevent, reduce or control risks to an acceptable level and reduce the potential for incidents and accidents. We will require our sub-contractors to identify health and safety risks that may impact on our work activities.


3. COMPLIANCE: “Our work activities achieve compliance with legislation, and our people are empowered to take action to minimise health and safety risks.”

3.1 Incident investigation. We will report and investigate accidents, incidents and near misses to drive improvement in our health and safety management. Any lessons learned from such events will be used to take corrective action to prevent recurrences.

3.2 Measuring performance. We will actively and openly, review and report on our health and safety performance against published objectives and targets. Improvement plans will be developed to support the delivery of these objectives and targets.

3.3 Health and safety management system. We will implement management systems to ensure we comply with health and safety legislation and continually improve our health and safety performance.

3.4 Sub-contractor improvement. We will engage and collaborate with our sub-contractors to ensure their health and safety capability and competence fulfil our expectations, their health and safety performance is monitored and reviewed and their work activities have minimal health and safety impacts on our activities.


4. EXCELLENCE: Mayson group is recognised for excellence in the way it manages health and safety.”

4.1 Developing innovative practices. We will constantly encourage, develop, review and share “health and safety good practice” both internally and externally.

4.2 Influencing stakeholders. We will only work with joint venture partners and clients who are willing to meet and achieve our health and safety expectations. We will engage and influence stakeholders to drive improvements in health and safety.

4.3 Work-related health. We will assess our occupational health risks. All our staff will be informed of the occupational health risks that affect their work. We will take action to prevent, reduce or control occupational health risks to an acceptable level and reduce the potential for ill health, including assessing all our staffs’ fitness for work. Health surveillance will be conducted to satisfy health and safety legislation.


Delivering our policy


Our policy will be delivered by:

generating a culture that does not tolerate threats to health and safety; and

ensuring the real involvement of all our staff, and sub-contractors.


Policy review


This policy has immediate effect and replaces all previous versions. This policy will be reviewed and amended, as necessary.

Where to find us:

Mayson group

40 Columbine Road


RG22 5RW

Phone: 07801 832328


Or use our contact form.

Business hours

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Office Hours

8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday

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